Bob Gibbs canvassing help to bring fresh British milk back to the doorstep- Helping milkmen to attract new customers- We will walk what others leave behind- Our dedicated team who all believe in the Great British milkman- And we all want to put the GREAT back into BRITAIN- LOVE MILK LOVE LOCAL- We believe in bringing fresh doorstep delivery back to the forefront of peoples minds and making the milkman more profitable by increasing his round not just on the milk side alone but we will push your goods for you as well- Methods of payment by the customers we bring in we will also collect emails and phone numbers if so required and any instruction you give us to your preferred method of payment will be told to the new customer also we will make sure any customer instructions will be passed on to you to help with that all important delivery as this makes the lasting impression on the customer who we believe will with for many years to come-
OX CLOSE, Coventry, CV2 4BT, United Kingdom.
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07752 217881
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