At City Cigars- we are an online-only cigar shop currently operated by a fellow cigar smoker- We-ve been in operation since 2015- so we are relatively young- strong- and growing-Cigars are for different occasions- be it celebration or just relaxation- I started the business to ensure the joys of a cigar continues- With many aspects to consider when purchasing cigars- the notion of cost and varieties is always an important one- The regular cigar smoker with an already established favourite cigar might sometimes think twice before buying his-her cigar- especially if the price keeps rising- This is the situation I found myself in- during the Christmas period of 2014- after having dwindled my stash to a bare minimum- lighting up in different bars around the City of London with friends-This is the problem this business is attempting to solve- bringing down the cost of cigars- We regularly compare our prices against the lowest prices in the UK and we adjust them accordingly- to always be lower- Why- you ask- Because as a fellow cigar smoker- we do not want price to be a hindrance to your fun times- What allows us to lower the price is because I run other businesses- so starting the cigar business wasn-t primarily about profits- but for like-minded cigar lovers like myself- We categorically promise never to be beaten on price- and to also provide a better shopping experience-
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