Grant Baldwin Holistic Therapy

Richmond Road, 50 Hill Rise, TW10 6UB, United Kingdom.


Grant Baldwin Holistic Therapy, in 50 Hill Rise

Hi I-m Grant Baldwin and I provide tailored Holistic Therapy in London to treat the root cause of any pain or tension people are experiencing-The treatments I offer are natural and gentle and incorporate the mind body and spirit- to let go of old negative blocks and align with the body-s natural ability to heal- My multi-disciplinary Aromatherapy- Shiatsu- Acupressure- Reiki and Reiki Healing- Energy Healing- Breath Work and Yumeiho Japanese Therapy-You can have a Massage in Richmond near the popular and famous Richmond Hill or clients who do not want to travel for a treatment can also avail my Mobile Massage London service for the convenience and ease of not needing to leave home - or for a call out at your office anywhere in South West London- I treat many corporate clients this way and many of my home massage clients say they prefer this because they can rest immediately after their massage and holistic therapy rather than rush back to their destination- This can actually help to enhance the therapeutic benefits of the massage and allow you to let things sink in so you fully immerse in calm and relaxation- Part of Holistic Therapy London is for me to create physical- emotional and spiritual wellbeing through the transformation of negative thought patterns into positive ones- Releasing individuals and families from the experiential legacy of negative patterns of behaviour through the use of a combination of techniques including Deep Tissue Massage London and Shamanic Healing to recognise and release ourselves- our family and all our relationships from the pain of our resistance to what we need to harmonise in this life-Many of my clients have given feedback that they are surprised at how quickly the massage treats the real cause of their symptoms and begins to provide freedom from joint pain- muscle stiffness- neck and back pain and tightness- and that they feel an overall sense of harmony- healing and balance- I want each client to know that healing is a possibility- no matter how long they have endured pain and discomfort for- In addition to the healing aspect of the massage treatments I provide my clients- I also offer Shamanic Healing pilgrimages which are run throughout the year at Camino de Santiago in North West Spain- This spiritual shamanic journey is for people who want to explore a profound inner transformation more deeply and to return to their true self and higher purpose in life- beyond the limitations of mind- body and spirit as we are conscious of it through our sensory perception- This practice is becoming more common in the west- however- it is important for me to make clear that this shamanic pilgrimage is very unique in that it doesn-t involve using or taking any drugs to access one-s higher self and make contact with one-s spirit guides- The wisdom of shamanism is available to all of us through simple means and sometimes this is something the mind struggles to accept- The daily group walks which are a fundamental feature of this pilgrimage will help each person to tune inwards and create space for this awareness and awakening to become tangible- My personal journey of healing and awakening my higher self in order that I can be of service to others through holistic massage therapy and shamanic healing are an honour and a humble privilege for me- As I continue to undergo my own deeper shamanic training- I want to pass on more of my skills- knowledge and techniques to more people so they in turn can begin their own abundant journey of inner freedom and healing in mind- body and spirit- I am fully insured and accredited and if you would like to book a free initial consultation to discuss your unique requirements I would be honoured to connect with you so you can start your journey to wellbeing- alignment and renewed empowerment- inner trust and peace today-Service- Massage- Holistic Therapy- Deep Tissue Massage

Location in 50 Hill Rise TW10

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Richmond Road, 50 Hill Rise, TW10 6UB, United Kingdom.

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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