Rat Blockers is a trusted provider of innovative and reliable solutions for rat prevention.

Our mission is to help homeowners, businesses, and communities effectively combat rat infestations and protect their properties from the damage and health risks associated with these pests. Rats pose significant problems, causing structural damage, contaminating food sources, and spreading diseases. Our team of experts understands the urgency and importance of addressing these issues promptly and efficiently. With years of experience in pest control and rat prevention, we have developed advanced rat blocking systems that deliver long-term results. Our rat blocking systems are thoughtfully designed to prevent rats from entering or re-entering your property through vulnerable areas such as pipes, vents, and drains. We utilize high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technology to create effective barriers that rats cannot penetrate. These systems are not only environmentally friendly but also ensure the safety and well-being of both humans and rats. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to assess their specific rat prevention needs and provide tailored solutions that fit their requirements and budget. Our trained technicians offer professional installation services, ensuring that the rat blocking systems are properly implemented and fully functional. We believe in transparency and clear communication. Our team will guide you through the rat prevention process, explaining the benefits of our systems and answering any questions you may have. Additionally, we offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your rat blocking systems continue to perform optimally. Whether you are a homeowner looking to protect your family and property or a business owner wanting to maintain a clean and rat-free environment, Rat Blockers has the expertise and solutions to meet your needs. We are committed to providing reliable and effective rat prevention measures that give you peace of mind. Don't let rats take over your property. Contact Rat Blockers today to learn more about our innovative rat prevention systems and take the first step towards a cleaner, safer, and rat-free environment.

Location in Fitzrovia W1W

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92 Oldfields Road, Oldfields Trading Estate, Sutton, Surrey, Fitzrovia, W1W7LT, United Kingdom.

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed
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