Tamsin Yoga, in York

Hatha -Yoga in York- with Tamsin is a beautiful way to improve flexibility and strength- de-clutter the mind- become more focused- relaxed- find inner balance and let go of the past and breathe-Yoga evolved several thousand years ago in India- Indian sages believed that by training the physical body- they could also train the mind- improving concentration and finding their inner self- inspired by nature and the world around them- They observed the animals and watched their behaviour which led to the discovery of a range of postures that made humans feel good- They noticed the trees were both stable - flexible- Yet- were rooted firmly in the ground while their branches moved freely in the wind- Yogis believe humans can be happier if they are flexible like a tree- yet grounded and steadfast- standing tall like a mountain-What we now know in the west today as Hatha Yoga- brings together the mind- the body- and the breath - has evolved from these beginnings- Yoga is a journey that we can embark upon at any time in life- It can be practised by anyone no matter how fit they are- Classes are suitable for men and women- and it doesn-t matter what age you are-Yoga is different from other forms of exercise as it doesn-t involve violent muscle movement which can cause fatigue- muscle stiffness- and injury- Instead- yoga counteracts these effects through breathing- gentle stretching- and relaxation-Come along to -Yoga in York- with Tamsin and experience something lovely- Enjoy learning a skill that has been handed down through teachers over thousands of years- but is also fresh and new with a style of its very own-

Location in York YO31

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Gillygate, York, YO31 7EB, United Kingdom.

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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