Acupuncture Clinics
At The Acupuncture Works in Lewes we-ve been practising Chinese Acupuncture and Chinese Massage for more than ten years- We integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine -TCM- with 5 Element Chinese Acupuncture and engage in regular CPD -Continual Professional Development-- which hones our treating ability and allows us to offer our patients the most comprehensive Personal Treatment Plan -PTP- available- We specialise in the treatment of Pain including- Back Pain- Frozen Shoulder- Joint Pain- Arthritis- IBS- Depression- Stress- Anxiety and Fertility issues- Our ethos is to eradicate unnecessary suffering and you will notice that we are running several Special Offers on the right of The Acupuncture Works Home page- so if you would like to take advantage of any of them- please give me us a call or or head to the website- We are situated right in the centre of town just 2 minutes walk from Lewes Train
Subud Centre, 26a Station Street, Lewes, BN7 2DB, United Kingdom.
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