The Sunderland Foot Clinic

Southwick, Sunderland, SR5 2AB, United Kingdom.

Chiropodists & Podiatrists

The Sunderland Foot Clinic, in Sunderland

The Sunderland Foot Clinic offers friendly prefessional foot treatments at a competetive price- We pride ourseleves on our service and skill and this is demonstrated by the loyalty of our customers- Our aim is to be the number 1 podiatry service in the Sunderland area- Wilde Pedique is a light cured -UV-A light- resin developed specifically for toenails- It is extremely flexible- grows out with the nail and can be attached for up to 6-8 weeks- Unlike acrylic and other gel types it will not damage the toenail due to its flexible properties- The resin has the ability to bond to a toenails surface- add strength and once hardened has a glossy finish- Included in the ingredients is Piroctone Olamine- which is a slow release anti-fungal agent- It will not cure a fungal nail but it will stop it from worsening- Who would want treatment- Nails damaged by trauma- this could be trauma during sports- a tight shoe or dropping an object on the nail etc- The nail becomes bruised and may result in the nail being lost temporarily- Wilde Pedique can be applied when the nail comes off as a prosthetic nail- This will protect the new nail and prevent an ingrown toenail and also look more cosmetically pleasing- Fungal nails-they can look discoloured and become thickened- Wilde Pedique can be applied to cover the nail making them look more natural- Nails that have regrown after nail surgery- If there is some regrowth after nail surgery the nail can be rebulit with Wilde Pedique making the nail look natural again- The treatment can last up to 8 weeks so is a perfect treatment to last over the summer months or when away and the feet are exposed- For more details or to make an appointment please call us- There is no difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist- Chiropodist was changed to podiatrist in 1993 as it is the international recognised name for a foot specialist- Podiatrist is more commonly used all over the world- Podiatrist is more relevant as the term podiatry refers just to feet while chiropody refers to both feet and hands- The podiatrist can diagnose and treat a vast array of conditions from corns- callus- ingrowing toenails- bunions- verrucas- foot deformaties- heel pain- foot strains- flat feet to sports injuries- diabetic foot care and surgery-

Location in Sunderland SR5

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Southwick, Sunderland, SR5 2AB, United Kingdom.

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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