Albemarle Army Barracks, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Ouston, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Harlow Hill, NE15 0RF

British Army Base

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The barracks were established, on the site of the former RAF Ouston airbase, in 1970

Albermarle barracks were home to 39 Regiment Royal Artillery from 1995 until that regiment disbanded there in February 2015. On 13 July 2015 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery started transferring from its former base in Bergen-Hohne Garrison, Germany. Its runways are used by Northumbria Police for driver training and as a stop-off point for nuclear warheads convoys en route via road between RNAD Coulport and AWE Aldermaston as part of the UK Trident programme.

Albemarle Army Barracks, Newcastle Upon Tyne , Social Media

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