Allanbrooke Army Barracks, Topcliffe, North Yorkshire

Elm Road, Topcliffe, Thirsk, North Yorkshire., Topcliffe, YO7 3ED

British Army Base

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Allanbrook barracks were established, on the site of the former RAF Topcliffe airbase, in 1974, as an ordnance field park

The barracks were named Alanbrooke Barracks after Field Marshal Viscount Alanbrooke, a former Royal Artillery officer, when 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery took over the site in 1977. The barracks continued as an artillery base with the arrival of 49 Regiment Royal Artillery in 1982, 27th Regiment Royal Artillery in 1986, 19th Regiment Royal Artillery in 1990, 40th Regiment Royal Artillery in 1998 and 4th Regiment Royal Artillery in 2008.

Allanbrooke Army Barracks, Topcliffe, N Yorkshire , Social Media

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