Chetwynd Barracks, a British military Base at Chilwell in Nottinghamshire

Chetwynd Road, Chilwell, NG9 5HA

British Army Base

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The site was renamed Chetwynd Barracks, after Viscount Chetwynd who had been Managing Director of the National Shell Filling Factory, in 1995 and became the home of 49 (East) Brigade.

Chetwynd Barracks is a military installation at Chilwell in Nottinghamshire. History of The Chilwell depot and barracks were built for the Royal Army Ordnance Corps shortly after the First World War on the former site of the National Shell Filling Factory, Chilwell which had been completely devastated by an exposion in July 1918. The site continued to be used as a central ordnance depot after the Second World War and, although the central vehicle kit store closed in 1958, when operations moved to Bicester, it continued to operate as a general stores depot and a vehicle workshop. The site was renamed Chetwynd Barracks, after Viscount Chetwynd who had been Managing Director of the National Shell Filling Factory, in 1995 and became the home of 49 (East) Brigade. Under Army 2020, 49 (East) Brigade was merged with 7th Armoured Brigade to become 7th Infantry Brigade and Headquarters East which relocated to Chetwynd Barracks on 13 February 2015

Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell, Notts , Social Media

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