Ministry of Defence Chicksands British Army Base

Chicksands Avenue, Chicksands, SG17 5PR

British Army Base

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Ministry of Defence Chicksands or more simply MoD Chicksands is a UK Ministry of Defence station located 7.7 miles (12.4 km) south east of Bedford, Bedfordshire and 11.6 miles (18.7 km) north east of Luton, Bedfordshire. Now the location of the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre (DISC), it was previously named RAF Chicksands.

Since 1997 the Chicksands base has been the home of the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre (DISC) and the Headquarters of the Intelligence Corps. In January 2015, MoD Chicksands became home to the Joint Intelligence Training Group (JITG). JITG conducts training for personnel of all three arms of the British Armed Forces, members of the Civil Service and others. Courses are delivered across the range of Intelligence disciplines. HMS Ferret is a Royal Naval Reserve training centre formed in 1989 at the Intelligence Corps centre in Ashford. The unit transferred with the Corps and the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre in 1997

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