Royal Air Force Leuchars or RAF Leuchars was a Royal Air Force (RAF) station located in Leuchars, Fife

Main St, St Andrews, Leuchars, KY16 0JX

Royal Air Force Base

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Leuchars is a British Army barracks on the East coast of Scotland. RAF units on the base include: Leuchars Diversion Airfield (LDA); East of Scotland University Air Squadron (ESUAS); 612 (R) Medical Reserve Squadron RAuxAF Leuchars Station passed from the RAF to the British Army in 2015 and is home to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers (REME) and the Royal Military Police. The RAF continues to operate a fully operational airfield 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year from within Leuchars Station. A diverse workforce of circa 40 full-time RAF personnel and Civil Servants from Air Traffic Controllers, Air & Space Operations Specialists, Engineers and Mechanical Transport Drivers.

HISTORY; Aviation at Leuchars dates back to 1911 with a balloon squadron of the Royal Engineers. Heavier than air craft moved in to the site soon afterwards and it was used as a training airfield through the First World War. A Coastal Command station during the Second World War, in 1943 BOAC used the airfield to set up a covert air link to neutral Sweden, rescuing RAF crews who had been shot down and interred as well as importing Swedish goods for the war effort. Leuchars became a fighter station in 1950 hosting a variety of jet air defence aircraft, belonging both to the RAF and the Royal Navy, due to its coastal location. It remained an air defence airfield through the Cold War and up to 2015 where it was handed over to the British Army and renamed Leuchars Station with the RAF Unit being named Leuchars Diversion Airfield.

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