RAF Odiham is a Royal Air Force station situated a little to the south of the village of Odiham in Hampshire, England

RAF Odiham HIVE Odiham Hook RG29 1QF, Odiham, RG29 1QT

Royal Air Force Base

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RAF Odiham in Hampshire is a front line support helicopter base working within the Joint Helicopter Command. The Station provides critical, rapid support for UK military operations throughout the world. Home of the UK Chinook Force, RAF Odiham operates three Chinook squadrons.

Military flying began on the site in 1926 for use by locally based Army Co-Operation Command Units supporting the British Army on exercise. In 1934 the site was chosen as the site for a permanent RAF flying station as part of the pre-war RAF Expansion Scheme and Station Headquarters was established on the 11 January 1937. In June 1943 RAF Odiham came under the control of Fighter Command and later the second Tactical Air Force and it played a central role in the preparations for the D-Day landings a year later. From June 1945 RAF Odiham became part of Transport Command and was home to Dakota aircraft of Nos. 233 and 271 Squadrons, flying mail and supplies into Europe and returning with former British Prisoners of War. In October the station was transferred to the control of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and became home to No. 120 (Transport Wing) RCAF, again operating Dakota aircraft of Nos. 436 and 437 Squadrons. In June 1946 the station was returned to RAF Fighter Command and for the next 13 years was home to Spitfires, Tempests, Vampires, Meteors, Hunters and Javelins. In February 1956 No.46 (F) Squadron became the first unit in the world to operate all weather delta winged fighter aircraft in the shape of the Gloster Javelin. Odiham reopened in January 1960 again under Transport Command as the UK home for the RAF light transport fleet of both fixed and rotary wing aircraft. RAF Odiham’s long association with helicopters began with the arrival of No.225 Squadron and its Sycamore and Whirlwind helicopters that month. For the next 20 years the station was home to Single and Twin Pioneer, Belvedere, Wessex and Puma aircraft. In December 1980 the twin rotor Chinook was first introduced into service with the RAF with No.240 Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) and the first Squadron to be formed on the type was No.18 (B) Squadron in August 1981. With the deployment to the Falklands Conflict in April 1982 of 5 Chinooks, there began an unbroken 36 year period, wherein not a year has passed without Chinooks being deployed in an operational capacity of some kind around the world, be it for either humanitarian relief, security or war fighting. Since 1998 RAF Odiham has been home to Nos. 7, 18 and 27 Squadrons, who together form the UK Chinook Helicopter Force.

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