Royal Air Force Syerston, known as RAF Syerston, is a Royal Air Force station in the parish of Flintham, near Newark, Nottinghamshire, England

RAF Syerston, Newark, NG23 5NN, Syerston, NG23 5NN

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RAF Syerston is home to 2 Flying Training School, encompassing the headquarters and the RAF Central Gliding School which provides training for members of the Volunteer Gliding Squadrons. RAF Syerston has four satellite airfields at RAF Kenley, RAF Kirknewton, RAF Little Rissington and RAF Topcliffe, from which it operates the Viking T Mk 1 glider and Robin DR400 aerotow aircraft.

RAF Syerston initially opened as a Bomber Command station in 1940 operating Wellington, Manchester and Lancaster bombers. Post-war Syerston became a training base, eventually transferring to Flying Training Command and 2 Flying Training School operating Jet Provosts. Syerston was put on under care and maintenance from 1971 until it reopened in January 1975 for light aircraft and gliding operations. Syerston is currently a station in its own right, having previously been a satellite airfield of RAF College Cranwell. Since January 2014, RAF Syerston has been the home to 2 FTS HQ, the RAF Central Gliding School (CGS) and 644 Volunteer Gliding Squadron. The Central Flying School (CFS) (Gliding Examiners) also maintains an examining unit at the Station.

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