Royal Air Force Valley or RAF Valley, is a Royal Air Force station on the island of Anglesey, Wales

RAF Valley, Holyhead, Anglesey, LL65 3NY

Royal Air Force Base

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RAF Valley on Anglesey is home to No 4 Flying Training School, responsible for training the UK's next generation of world-class fighter pilots. Aircrew are also trained at RAF Valley for mountain and maritime operations throughout the world. RAF Valley is also home to the Mountain Rescue Service, the military's only high readiness, all weather search and rescue, aircraft post-crash management asset.

No. 4 Flying Training School (No. 4 FTS) trains RAF and Royal Navy pilots to fly fast jets, prior to training on an Operational Conversion Unit. No. 4 FTS consist of three units, No. 72 Squadron, No. 4 Squadron and No. 25 Squadron, flying the Texan T1 and BAE Hawk T2. RAF Valley base is also home to No. 202 Squadron, part of No.1 Flying Training School, flying three Airbus Jupiter HT1. The squadron trains RAF and Royal Navy students on maritime and mountain flying training and those who are destined for the Royal Navy's anti-submarine warfare Merlin or Wildcat.

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