RAF Boulmer is situated near Alnwick, the county town of Northumberland

, Boulmer, NE66 3JF

Royal Air Force Base

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RAF Boulmer near Alnwick is part of 2 Group, it is a key station of the RAF's Battlespace Management Force, providing surveillance of UK airspace and tactical control of combat and support aircraft.

The core to RAF Boulmer's operations is its Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS), which is used to defend UK airspace and train for contingent operations. Number 19 Squadron provides operations personnel to conduct this task 24/7, while Number 20 Squadron is the ASACS Operational Conversion Unit. Both Squadrons are supported by the engineers and technicians of Engineering and Logistics Wing, and the staff of Support Wing. Around 1,000 Service, civilian and contracted personnel work at RAF Boulmer.

RAF Boulmer, Royal Air Force , Social Media

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