Stress Management Plus

40, Caversham Road, Reading, RG1 7BT, United Kingdom.

Stress Management

Stress Management Plus, in Reading

I am a coach and trainer- and work with individuals and groups in how to manage our emotions and deal with common emotional problems- how to develop and maintain a resilient outlook- how to prevent stress- how to be emotionally intelligent- I support individuals-staff to make the most of themselves and maximise performance personally and professionally- I-m here to help you develop the skills and strategies we need to effectively deal with the stresses and strains that the modern world-we ourselves can bring- and especially during times of change and uncertainty- You and I will take a practical problem-solving or development-focused approach to help you to overcome the difficulties you-re experiencing- with a plan on how to deal with- work through and learn from your current situation- I have been training and developing people for over 35 years through roles in workplace counselling - in a government department - stress management- coaching- training and teaching- My interest is in supporting and empowering you to perform to your potential personally and professionally- to make the most of yourself and to live your best life- 1-1 COACHING- If you are feeling -stressed- at work-home regularly- are not coping well-struggling due to the pandemic- facing a challenging situation- going through change- juggling too many priorities- getting a feeling of -overwhelm- regularly- are having relationship problems or have a lack of focus- direction and motivation in life- and you-d like to achieve one or more of the following- do get in touch- - Spend less time stressing- and more time living - Understand and manage your emotions better - Be more motivated - Have more fulfilling relationships - Prevent challenge becoming adversity- and deal well with situations - Be resilient and better able to deal with adversity - Have a more helpful mindset - Understand yourself better- GROUP TRAINING- I run group training for staff in- - How to Prevent and Manage Stress- - How to Develop and Maintain Resilience during Uncertain Times - Working with Emotional Intelligence-

Location in Reading RG1

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40, Caversham Road, Reading, RG1 7BT, United Kingdom.

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07421 350257
0118 328 3246

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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