Yes Wellbeing, in Bradford On Avon

I am an emotional wellbeing therapist- assisting adults and teenagers to bring their lives back to balance and harmony- Using current stress management techniques like Mindfulness- Hypnotherapy and EFT- I teach you how to use these therapies to release trauma- worry and anxiety to enable you to feel calmer- happier and more in control of your life- With 15 years of experience as a therapist- I work one-to-one from a therapy room near Bradford on Avon- or over skype and I also run Wellbeing Days for your ultimate relaxation and calm- I am a qualified Kinesiologist- Hypnotherapist- EFT Advanced Practitioner- Mindfulness in Schools Practitioner and Laughter Yoga Leader- Over the years I have had a great deal of experience with teenagers and young adults- working at Druglink in Swindon- with Off the Record -OTR- - a counselling and advice centre in Bath- with Bath Spa University and at some schools in and around Bath- The majority of people come to me for around 3-6 sessions- finding that after a few sessions they feel very tangible results and are quickly able to transfer the skills learnt to everyday life in order to assist with staying calmer and happier- If you are looking for assistance with personal issues- whether traumas from the past or day-to-day stresses- I have the expertise to help you- I am able to see you one-to-one or I run Wellbeing Days where you experience a number of different kinds of Meditation and some stress-release techniques- along with a delicious lunch and refreshments- Please contact me for more information regarding my next Wellbeing Day or how to book an appointment with me- I have many testimonials from happy clients- please see the testimonial page on my website- My prices are -45 for teenagers and -50 for an adult -for roughly a 1 - 1 1-2 hour session--

Location in Bradford On Avon BA15

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South Wraxall, Bradford On Avon, BA15 2SA, United Kingdom.

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Working Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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